Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Film Opening

This is the opening scene of the film Scary Movie, the genre of this opening is a comedy horror.
When people watch this opening scene they will expect to see a horror film, that has elements of comedy in it.
 One of the symbolic codes of this particular opening scene is the part when the young girl is running out of the house and she stops to find two signs, one"safety" and one "death" but she runs away from the safety sign. this suggests that that she has chosen the death sign which means she is going to die because she did not choose safety. Another symbolic code is when the killer is in the house and she has a range of different weapons, but instead of going for the gun or knife, she chooses a banana. This might suggest to the audience that she panicked therefore she just picked up anything she could to try and  fend of the killer.

At the beginning of the film, there is no background music, but as the killer and the girl start talking on the phone and she gets scared by him watching her from outside, the background music starts to play building up tension which gets the audience excited because it's all reaching a certain level of climax until eventually something happens.

When i watched the opening scene i expected it to be quite funny but i also wanted it to make me jump, and it did especially when the killer suprised the young girl by apprearing from the curtain when she turned around.
Throughout the film you will a range of different camera angles, but the most common one you will see is medium shots however other shots you will see are close ups.

This is a close-up taken from the opening scene. In most close ups you can only see the persons face and some of  there surroundings, as you can see the woman is on the phone and this creates a tense atomsphere for the audience because they don't know her name or who she is talking to on the phone.
Her surroundings indicate that she is in a house which might tell the audience that the young woman is safe, but by looking at her facial expressions it tells me different because she looks scared and unsure of what her next movement will be. Also it seems that she is looking elsewhere, maybe outside? this again creates tension because the unknown person who is on the other end of the phone could be watching her.

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